Why and how to apply for trainings
There are several reasons to apply for the trainings offered by BioEco Graduate School:
- To gain new skills: Training can offer new knowledge and skills that can be useful for professional or personal careers.
- To change your carreer path: Training can offer an opportunity to change professional fields and reorient to a different career.
- Improve career prospects: Training can provide a better qualification to obtain a higher paying job or to position oneself for a promotion.
- Meet employer requirements: Sometimes training may be required to meet an employer’s requirements.
- Expand your network: Training can provide an opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and expand your network of contacts especially especially in these courses which are all given in English and whose participants come from all over the world.

A two steps application and admission process:
- Online application process from November until May 15th
- Interview with pre-selected candidates
Registrations for 2024 are not yet open
Registrations for 2024 are not yet open

Accreditation and sponsorship for Trainings and/or conferences
- BioEco Graduate School is now offering accreditation and sponsorship for conferences! Are you organizing an event related to biotechnology , economics or any other topics covered by the graduate school bioeco? Partner with us for official recognition and financial support. Learn more about our accreditation and sponsorship opportunities.
- Accreditation and sponsorship of Trainings by BioEco Graduate School. Do you offer an outstanding shortprogram in biotechnology, economics or any other topics covered by the graduate school bioeco ? Don’t miss this unique opportunity.