Welcome to BioEco Graduate School
BioEco is a Graduate School in Biotechnology for a building bio-based Economy created in 2020, with the support of the Programme Investissement d’Avenir 3.
It brings together 5 higher education and research establishments of Toulouse University and 2 national research centers. It aims to contribute to the development of the bioeconomy by training new actors experts in biotechnology, processes and economy.

A partnership-led international Institute for Sustainable Development
It is through partnerships that BioEco can be considered a principal international institute for sustainable development in France. Strong, reciprocal, partnerships with some of the foremost regional institutes for sustainable development such as INSA Toulouse, Toulouse INP, Mines d’Albi, the University of Toulouse , the Universities of Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier and Toulouse – Capitole, allows BioEco to operate as a sustainable development university.
The BioEco graduate school offers high-quality teaching designed for future players in sustainable development.
We offer a wide range of courses, from master’s degrees to thesis grants and summer schools. BioEco Graduate School is also a strong partner in the international iGEM competition.